neljapäev, 20. mai 2010

Taani tudengi kiri, kes otsib koostööpartnereid oma lõputöö jaoks.

Võimalik edaspidine koostöö kui äriplaan käiku läheb.
Kellel on huvi ja oskab inglise keelt see võtku ühendust.

1 kommentaar:

  1. from :

    Hi Argo Vilberg.

    We are hoping that you could help us with following information for our bachelorproject where we are writing a businessplan about the a fooddelivarance system in Tallinn.

    Our mission is to deliver different kind of boxes to both privat and business. We will deliver all the ingredients for a dinner in one box, and our other box will contain fruit/vegetables. Our customers can have this delivered at their home as an agreement a couple of times a week, or you can by them one time as well.

    It will be similar to the danish concept Aarstiderne - their boxes look like follows:

    We will try to have mostly estonian products, but if needed we will also import what cannot be grown in Estonia.

    Our concept is also to help the estonian farmer who we are told (at least the smaller ones) earn were little from their products.
    We would like to do this by selling our products a little more expensive than the supermarkeds. For this extra price the customers get estonian grown products, health and help the primary sector (agriculture).

    Our question for you is:
    Is it possible that we could make some kind of virtual agreement through your organization with some estonian farmers to deliver the organic products we need; meat, vegetables and fruit?We are hoping for you to give us a list on what farmers in your organization grow and the prices of them. Then we could, with your approval write that Elavtoit will be our suppliers of estonian grown products..
    We are hoping to have about initially about 100 customers the first months, but hope this number will be much bigger after a couple of years if the estonians like our products.
    To begin with the idea will only be theoretically, but it might turn out to be a good business and then it could turn in to reality, so there are also prospect of a real cooperation!

    Thank you in advance

    Brian Langarica Nielsen
    Copenhagen Business School
